
Terms & Condition

Terms & Conditions

At Nirvana Life Bali, we want to curate an environment that is welcoming, mindful, egoless, growth oriented, and free from unnecessary outside disturbance. It is important to us that all members are able to progress in their health and wellness journey, by behaving in a manner that is respectful of all individuals within the Nirvana Life Bali premises. Be aware that Nirvana Life Bali is not a place to conduct personal business that involves solicitation of any kind. Members should be free to enjoy the facility to Train, eat, recover and engage in mutually beneficial discussions. To provide a professional level of service, we kindly ask that you follow our code of conduct, available to you within our Terms and Condition.

1. Passes and Memberships
Please note that all Memberships/Workshops/Special Events/Camps/Retreats are paid upfront and are non-refundable, non-modifiable and non-transferable. Please note that you can upgrade your membership within 2 days from purchase date. By renewing your membership you agree to the membership terms that apply at that time. Class pass and membership do not include Special Events, Workshops, Retreats, and Camps.

Class Passes Package Validation period :
5 class passes : 2 weeks
10 class passes : 4 weeks
20 class passes : 8 weeks

2. Promotions/Complimentary
All the promotional memberships and classes packages are non-refundable, non-transferable, non-modifiable. If you would like to purchase promotional membership in advance, please note that we are able to activate the membership within 30 – 60 days from the purchase date.

Members of Nirvana are provided with a discount to Nirvana Kitchen for Food and Beverage purposes.
Sharing of said benefits is not acceptable, whether that is to another member or a guest to Nirvana.

3. Operating days & hours
Hours of operations – 6.00 am –11.00 pm. Monday – Sunday. Nirvana Life Bali reserved a right to change operations hours without prior notice.

4. Time Freeze
(3 months) 12 weeks membership – get 1 week for freeze
(6 months) 24 weeks membership – get 2 week for freeze
(Annual) 52 weeks membership – get 4 weeks for freeze

Medical condition freeze is allowed. Must provide a legal Doctors certificate from a General Practitioner or Hospital in Bali.
The certificate must provide the name, contact number and Doctors details, Health concern and recommended rest time. Online health/doctor applications are not acceptable.

Travel condition freeze is allowed. Must provide flight tickets. (1 (one) week maximum freeze).

Please note that we are unable to backdate any time freeze requests. Members must request in advance a membership freeze for the desired time.

Additional freeze membership is allowed with additional charge IDR 250,000 per 1 week freeze period.

5. No membership transfer is allowed

6. Class attendance and No Show Policy
You must arrive at least 15-minutes before the class starts to avoid losing your class spot for being late to join the class. All classes start on time and participants MUST arrive on time, should you be late to any class attendance will not be allowed. Please note that the waiting list and drop-in places will open 15-minutes before the class starts for any available participant slots. Booking is allowed a maximum of 7-days in advance.

To ensure our classes run smoothly and to accommodate all our dedicated members, we enforce a “No-Show” regulation.

First Time Offence
If you fail to show up for a class that you have booked, you will receive a warning. This is a friendly reminder to be mindful of your bookings and fellow members.

Second Time Offence
On the second occurrence of a “No Show”, you will be temporarily restricted from making online or advance bookings for a period of 3-days. Bookings for classes can still be made as a drop in by arriving 10-minutes before the class start time and if there are slots still available.

Third Time Offence
On the third occurrence of a “No Show” you will face a more strict penalty. You will be subject to an IDR 100,000 fine. Online class bookings will not be available to you until the fine is paid.

For each “No Show” thereafter you will be subject to an IDR 100,000 fine and Online bookings will not be available to you until the fine is paid.

Please note that you MUST inform our front office team at least 10-hour before the start of the class start time if you cannot make your booked class. Should you inform us with less than 10-hour before the class start time, you will be deemed a “No Show” for the class and subject to the regulations set out above.

Non-Members will need to pay for their class in advance to confirm their spot. Non-member class bookings are NON-Refundable.

Should a Non-member not be able to attend the class that they have booked and paid for, they should inform us no less than 10-hour before the class start time. Non-members are then able to move their paid class to another time and date within 30-days at which time the booking will expire.

Should a Non-member not inform us or inform us within an 10-hour of the class start time, they will be regarded as a “No Show” and be subjected to the same “No Show” policy as Members as set out above.

7. All classes take priority on space. Please refer to schedules and corresponding areas.

8. Personal
Please wear comfortable and appropriate clothes when you come to the gym and appropriate footwear relative to the space you are in. We are not responsible for personal injury due to misuse of equipment. Be mindful of body odour. Don’t forget your sweat towel and return the used towel.

9. Conducting Business
Professional trainers, coaches and teachers are not allowed to practise their trade nor any form of tuition activity be carried out by members for monetary or barter reward at the facility except with the prior written permission of management.
Members are not allowed to train or socialise or market themselves as personal trainers if they do not work with us with a contract – Only our Trainers can train members. Personal fitness training is available at the facility by appointment. No personal training sessions are allowed by a third party, whether in person or online, unless you’re hired by the organisation and carrying the correct working permit which is sponsored by Nirvana.
The club has the right to cancel or suspend your membership without notice if the rule is broken. No refund would be given under these circumstances.

10. Respecting our equipment
Members using the gym equipment and/or facilities do so at their own risk and responsibility.
Members are responsible for using our facilities and equipment correctly, including adjusting levels or settings. If you are not sure how to operate any equipment, please ask our staff before you use it.
Please note that you will be responsible for any damages that you cause through a wilful act or negligence. Members who have finished using mobile equipment must put it back in its place. Wipe down equipment of sweat after use. Do not disable a piece of equipment by removing a piece from it for other exercises. If there is a specific need for a piece of equipment or if you have a suggestion, make the request at the front office. Unattended equipment will be considered available for all members who are present, and they will have priority.

11. Keeping your belongings safe
We provide members with lockers which you are able to use whilst exercising. Please keep your key with you at all times and any valuables brought into the facility are at your own risk. Nirvana Life Bali is not responsible for any loss of personal belongings of members whilst on our property. If you leave belongings in a locker overnight, we have the right to remove them. Lost and found matters should be reported to Reception. Lost and found stuff will be kept for a maximum of 1 month.

12. Seeking medical advice
Our staff are not medically trained. If you have any doubts, we strongly urge you to seek expert medical advice before starting an exercise program. Nirvana Life Bali highly recommends all members to have personal health insurance.

13. Respecting others
Please be respectful and do not behave inappropriately towards other members, guests, our staff and outside providers. Shouting and/or any display of unsportsmanlike conduct are prohibited. Examples of inappropriate behaviour include:

  • Verbal or physical intimidation;
  • Harassment;
  • Discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age or any disability another person may have.
  • Use the phone on speaker
  • Listen to the music on the phone without headphones
  • Refuse to follow facility rules

14. Prohibited Activities
Alcohol, drugs (including steroids), and smoking are prohibited within the facility. Members are not allowed to use the facility under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication that may impair their ability to operate the equipment. No weapons of any kind are allowed. We reserve the right, in its sole discretion, to limit the consumption of food or beverages, or to the use of outside equipment within the Facility. Food or drink should be kept in a non-breakable, enclosed container and cannot be eaten in the gym area. No Outside food or drink are allowed in the Nirvana Facility. Gambling or gaming is prohibited within the facility or on the premises. The use of Laptops and Tablets is prohibited in areas dedicated for exercise for health and safety purposes.

15. Content Creation
No tripods are allowed before 6.00 pm and professional cameras are not allowed at all times. If you want to do a photo session in the gym, you will need to speak to the management. There will be additional charge for doing photo sessions. Use of Tripods and/or “professional” equipment, should only be allowed for Nirvana Life Bali staff/purposes or if pre-approved (i.e. for content for influencers, etc). Content creation is allowed for personal use only and not for business purposes. All photos and content created on and by Nirvana Life Bali time or using Nirvana Life Bali equipment is in the sole ownership of the Nirvana Life Bali. All content can be used by Nirvana Life Bali in its entirety whether the guest or member continues as a member or not. From time to time our Nirvana Content creators will be taking photos and videos, if you do not want to be shown in any of this content, please make us aware and we will ensure not to capture you in our content.

Filming on a handphone is considered acceptable as long as it is for form purposes and does not affect other guests and members unless you have permission from the management. Posting to a business Instagram account is considered as working and is illegal in Indonesia. Posting to a personal Instagram handle is acceptable.

Filming in classes is strictly forbidden unless you have prior authority of the management, using a lanyard and the full cooperation of the other class participants.

16. Pets & Animals
Pets or animals of any kind are not allowed at Nirvana Life Bali.

17. No children allowed in the workout area – minimum age to use our facilities is 18th years old.

18. What happens if you break the code?
Nirvana Life Bali reserves the right to deny access to anyone who refuses to comply with the rules.
Nirvana Life Bali reserves the right to remove and ban any person from the facility at any time if directions are not followed and/or Terms and Conditions in place are not followed.
We may also warn you that you risk having your membership cancelled. If you continue to behave in the same way, we will cancel your membership with immediate effect.

19. Facing instant cancellation
We can cancel your membership without warning if you behave in a way that is risky or seriously inappropriate, such as:

  • Threatening or harassing others
  • Damaging equipment
  • Using illegal drugs
  • Instructing other members when we have not authorised you to do so

20. Liability
Nirvana Life Bali will not be responsible for any injury, death or illness or any loss or damage whilst in the facility whatsoever/howsoever caused; sustained or incurred out of, or in any way connected with the use whether proper or otherwise, of the gym, whether defective or otherwise.

Members recognise that there are hazards and risks connected with physical fitness training. These risks include, but are not limited to, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, heart disorders and heart attack, dehydration, heat exhaustion, sprains, muscle strain, blisters, stress fracture, shin splints, tendonitis, cartilage tears, bursitis, back pain and bruising of joints. Exercise beyond one’s physical limits and/or accidents involving exercise equipment may result in serious injury or even death. Any and all use of the facility, or participation in activities, shall be at such person’s own risk.

21. Handling Complaints
Please submit any complaint via email [email protected] . Please include all the details relating to your complaint and any evidence that you feel would be beneficial. We will do all that is reasonably and practicably possible to assess the merits of the complaint and respond within a reasonable timeframe. We have a 48 hours response time policy. We will make sure that someone from our team will reply to your email within 48 hours.

22. Food and Beverages

  • Nirvana Life members 4 weeks and above will get member discount benefit for Food & Beverage at Nirvana Kitchen (exclude Meal Plan)
  • Wearing a T-shirt is required in Nirvana Kitchen cafe
  • Consuming external food or beverage is not allowed in the entire Facility
  • Laptop working is not allowed in the ground floor cafe
  • No phone calls are allowed in our dining venues and in the quiet Co-working space
  • We do cash and carry transactions. Credits are not allowed. We do offer a Nirvana E-wallet for ease of payments

23. Membership Data
Members agreed to share personal information such as phone number, email, photo, and anything required on and for the gym information system (GymMaster).

Personal Training

These terms and conditions form part of your agreement with Nirvana Strength Indonesia

Your agreement with us is made up of these terms and conditions and the terms of club use. These documents together form a legal agreement between us, so please make sure that you read them carefully and understand them. If you have any questions, please ask a member of our team.

Purchasing Sessions and Bookings

  • Session purchases can be made on-line or in person at the front desk of your club.
  • Session bookings must be made with the Personal Trainer who will contact you.


  • All payments must be made in full, either in person at the front desk of your club or on-line.
  • All payments must be made in full prior to any sessions being undertaken.
  • If you purchase sessions in person, you will receive a copy of this agreement, along with a receipt for any payment of sessions you make. If you purchase online, you should retain a copy of this agreement, the terms and conditions and receipt for any payment of session purchases you make.

Session Cancellations

  • We require a minimum of 24 hours’ prior notice of any cancellation of any Personal Training sessions. This can be made directly through your club or with your Personal Trainer. If you do not provide a minimum of 12 hours’ prior notice, you may lose that session and no refund will be made to you.
  • Any rearranged cancelled sessions will be at a time mutually agreed between you and the Personal Trainer.


  • If your Personal Trainer is more than 15 minutes late without notice, for your session you will be entitled to a complimentary session, along with any remaining time you still have for that session.
  • If you are late for your session, your session will be reduced in accordance with that time. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your Personal Trainer may choose to cancel the session and you may lose that session, in which case no refund will be made.

Expiry and Extensions

  • All Personal Training packs purchase options have the following expiry
      • 1 PT session – 1 weeks
      • 5 Pack – 4-weeks
      • 10 pack – 6 weeks
      • 20 Pack – 12 weeks

  • You may extend Personal Training packs for the following reasons only:
      • Pregnancy
      • Serious illness
      • Serious injury
      • Redundancy

  • To extend your Personal Training packs you must contact your club; we may ask you to provide proof of pregnancy, serious illness, serious injury or redundancy.
  • Any other extensions are entirely at the discretion of the club General Manager.

Personal Trainer

  • If for any reason you are unhappy with your Personal Trainer, you may transfer to another personal trainer at any given time.
  • In all circumstances, any sessions used with the previous Personal Trainer remain used.
  • Your Personal Trainer cannot prescribe treatment or diagnose medical conditions. They may at any time ask to consult with your GP should any medical condition arise.


  • If for any critical medical reason you are no longer able to complete any Personal Training sessions, you may be given a refund on any outstanding sessions with the approval from the club’s General Manager. We may ask for you to provide proof from your GP.
  • If you leave the club for any reason, you will not be entitled to a refund.
  • If your Personal Trainer leaves the club, no refund will be given and you will be assigned another personal trainer by the club.
  • Any other refunds are at the discretion of the club’s General Manager.